Scientology says that if you don't follow THEIR teachings.. Mormons, Baptists, Catholics, Moonies, Seventh Day Adventists, Jews, all have different criteria for "making it"
Religion. A snare and a racket, indeed.
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
Scientology says that if you don't follow THEIR teachings.. Mormons, Baptists, Catholics, Moonies, Seventh Day Adventists, Jews, all have different criteria for "making it"
Religion. A snare and a racket, indeed.
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
JWville loves to instill fear, that is how they maintain an oh so tight grip!
Even tho Jesus so lovingly gave the illustration of the father who throws a feast for his son full of sin is in the Bible, the WT spin doctor spins it again, throwing water on hope "we don't know if the son had repented", or "maybe the dad was ahead of himself" (those aren't quotes, they are examples of spins the WT could use, I dont have time to look it up)
Nope, your brother won't die at Armageddon, he will die from the cruelty and ULTIMATE waste.... of... life, living, happiness and freedom from cult mind control.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
I really want my other sister to get something. She is 64, and doesnt have much, she, especially, was cheated out of her inheritance. The house has no mortgage, c/b worth $6-700,000. There were other accounts listed. I knew of one for $100,000 plus, if my dad had a life insurance policy, another $100,000. So, maybe a million. The house must be repaired, maybe 50-60,000. So, 5 kids, $150-200,000 each.
Is this worth it?
I dont want to spend money, unless there is hope. I would probably have to use one of those "pay if you win" lawyers.
My dad would be so mad at this pettiness. It is a shame, makes me so sad.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
PS, I am in the U S., California. Thx Dagney, I shall give you a ring soon. And thank you, Jefft, I appreciate your aid, will do.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
Thank you all so much for your comments and advice. I suppose I am listed in the will, as I am disinherited. and so is my other sister. I will speak to a lawyer, asap. Thank you!
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
My JW mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my NON JW dad died (dehydration, starvation, IMO) I was the executor of THAT will.
Before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed. I didn't know until she died. I and my sires are disinherited, my sister (never a baptized JW, but a believer and goer, now POMO as I am) was also disinhereted.
My "little sister" and her husband are in charge of all the assets, and my other sister (a JW) & brother (never a JW) are SUPPOSE to get part of this.
My sister is vengeful and mean. She was the last one on earth to help clean up my mom's house when they were going to be evicted because of my dad's hoarding.
My disfellowshiped ex-Elder husband apostate and I (never disfellowshipped) and my sister spent a year-and-a-half of our lives keeping them in their house.
I am so sad at heart as my sister could really use the money. She was always thoughtful, always helping them.
This Will is written like none I have ever seen. It says my sister can give gifts, spend it on whatever she wants, pay herself for working Etc. I even wonder if the Watchtower has helped made this will.
Has anyone challenged a will and won?
for giving another disfelowshipped person shelter because he was homeless.
so i told him he should thank wt for preparing him for social isolation by shunning you as evil as shunning is..
Watchtower is the epitome of evil. The Bible has only become a "sword" in their hand ready to stab you in the heart, and chop you apart when needed.
so, the famous 607 calculation to 1914 involves the above prophecy.
the common explanation is that time is one unit, times is an unsubstantiated number of units.. to prove you can make it say any date, we must write it as a formula:.
date = t + nt + 0.5t where n >= 2. so simplified:.
Ahhhhhh! This logic truly defines how insane the WT is, and why we can see it is a cult. Who else could get you to believe such insanity?
the watchtower said that reading their stuff would get you a college education.
can anyone recall that gem?
my parents sure bought into that crap.
I totally remember ALL of that. I remember. In 1969 (i was 14) reading, 'why go to college, you won't be able to finish it before the new world, and even IF you could finish, what good would it do you?' Basically.. that rung in my brain, "should i try? Would i be wasting my time when "I could be saving lives?' How many people did i save? None. A REAL waste of time.
LOL, notice the title/ label on the bottom right, it's not "The Far Side", it's "The Cult Side" ;-)